Ms. Salma from Oman wins her battle with Breast Cancer after seeking treatment in India

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Breast Cancer amongst women has been increasingly at an alarmaing rate across the world. Help to Heal Foundation has been quite active in guiding and assisting breast cancer patients across the world ensuring that they receive suitable and timely treatment along with support and love.

In mid 2019, Ms Salma, a 65 year old woman from Oman and her family members approached us for information on the extent of breast cancer treatment available in India. They wanted to know the success rate of breast cancer treatment in India along with the doctors and the hospitals that offered the same.

Ms. Kauser, our patient coordinator got in touch with them to ascertain the medical condition of Ms. Salma, the spread of cancer and the earlier treatment she had received. It was revealed that Ms. Salma had a tumour that need to be removed surgically.

Ms. Kausesr referred her to Dr. Donald Babu, senior cancer surgeon at Fortis Hospital, Vashi. He suggested that Ms. Salma should go for Breast Conservation Surgery and for that they need to travel to India. Upon Ms. Salma and her family approval, Ms. Kauser preprared and processed their travel papers along with medical e-visas. Also, Mr. Tarandeep, our on field volunteer was assigned to provide them with the required assistance.

Ms Salma and Ms. Najama, her daughter arrived on 7th August 2019. Mr. Tarandeep received them at the airport and escorted them to the hospital, arranged for the accommodation and helped them as and when required.

As per the plan, Ms. Salma underwent a successful breast conservation surgery and recovered quite well. Soon, she was declared fit and she could return home to Oman by 20th August 2019.

Ms. Najama and her family appreciated the assistance and cooperation given by Ms. Kauser and Mr. Tarandeep during this entire period of medical crisis. They extended their well wishes to the Help to Heal Foundation for success in their future endeavors

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