Help To heal Foundation conducted a Health Checkup Camp at Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra for underprivileged people on March 28, in collaboration with Ashtavinayak Foundation, Mumbai. The camp was conducted by a team of 40 doctors and staff, who carried out master health check-ups at Community Centre, Kalamboli.
A major chunk of India’s rural population lacks sufficient infrastructure to diagnose and treatment for various kinds of diseases and ailments. This absence has caused great suffering and has hampered the quality of life for most rural people. To counter the situation, Help To heal foundation conducts free Health checkup camps in and around Mumbai to diagnose and offers basic treatment for the various widespread disease.
Check-ups were conducted for a variety of disease including blood pressure, general health issues, eye checkup, diabetes, dental problems, and specific ailments related to women, children & elders. ECG, Ultrasound, X-ray and Echocardiogram facilities were also made available.
At least 600 people received treatment on the day of the camp. Those who attended the camp also received free medicines. Those who require advanced treatments have been referred to private and government hospitals under the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance scheme.
Generally, a complete check-up of this nature is expensive. However, we offered this facility at our camp for free. The initiative seeks to eliminate the idea that a medical check-up is meant only to diagnose diseases. A check-up is an assessment of health and should be regularly conducted for those over 35 years of age.
This is only the first step in what will be an enormous project in the years to come.