Over 300 Mumbai police personnel got a free health check-up

Help to Heal Foundation organized a free health check-up camp in associations with Ashtavinayak hospital at Rasayani police Station, Ambivali on 10th of April and Mumbai police personnel got free health check-up.

Over 300 policeman both male and female including police officers and constables went through their health checkup at the medical camp.

“We often forget to thank these police personnel, who as a part of their duty do so much for us. Therefore this was our way of thanking them in return.”

All police officers works at least 14 hours a day or sometime more and many of them show little concern about their health.

During the camp, the doctors checked these policemen and women for body mass index(BMI), ECG, blood sugar, and other such essentials tests to evaluate their vital health on various parameters.

Police personnel were then provided with a free consultation by Dieticians and Doctors.

We intend to cover 1000 police personnel in the upcoming camps.

These initiatives taken by us, Help to Heal in association with Ashtvinayak hospital gives us immense pleasure and satisfaction as we are contributing to the welfare of the society as a whole.

By providing a free health check-up to our heroes we are helping them to monitor their health issues and also take positive steps in maintaining a sound health.

This endeavour was taken to provide medical checkup facilities to the police personnel and their families as a welfare measure.

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